
A Life of a Pioneer

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I Found A Purpose Far Greater Than Any Personal Dream

I’m currently on holiday surrounded by breathtaking scenery that takes me back to when I used to dream of a peaceful life in the countryside, away from the bustle of city life. During this leisurely vacation, I’ve had the chance to pause and reflect on my life, particularly the choices I made when I committed to becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses several years ago. This decision has caused a significant shift in my values and priorities, especially as I started dedicating more of my time to...

Treasuring Our Elderly Friends

Today I wanted to share a personal experience that had a big impact on my spiritual journey. Shortly after my baptism, when I had just started auxiliary pioneering, a Circuit Overseer paid me a visit. While he commended my enthusiasm for working with other pioneers in the congregation, he gently reminded me not to forget about our elderly brothers and sisters. This simple reminder sparked a change in my approach to ministry and fellowship. From that day forward, I made a conscious effort to...

I'm Rambling About Social Media Again

So, If you had asked me a couple of years ago whether I could imagine running my business without using social media, I would have said NO. I mean, let's face it - Instagram and TikTok have become such a big part of our daily lives that it's hard to imagine not using them. I have been using Instagram to promote my business since 2020, and it has helped me a lot during the pandemic, not only for my business but in general. It was a nice distraction from everything that was happening during the...

How to encourage and build one another up when you don't feel like.

Have you ever faced a challenge in life that made you feel like giving up? I sure have, and I know how tough it can be. That's why having a friend who can remind you that you can overcome anything is essential, right? And you know what? I want to be that friend for others! But sometimes, I struggle with personal challenges, and it can be hard to find the energy or motivation to lift others up. So, how can I be a source of encouragement when I need encouragement myself? But then, I was...

My Honest Review of My September Challenge '23

I decided to welcome the New Service Year with renewed energy at the beginning of September. To achieve this, I challenged myself to take a month-long break from social media and immerse myself in spiritual matters. It sounded like a good plan, but how did it turn out? Today, I would like to share my experience with you. I must admit that social media tends to overwhelm me. It can create a lot of confusion in my mind. I didn’t completely disconnect from technology (although I would like to...

New Service Year 2023 + New Challenge

With the New Year Service just around the corner, I'm thinking about embarking on a new journey. As a pioneer, I constantly strive to focus on my spiritual goals. However, this doesn't mean that I always achieve them successfully. From my personal experience, I know how challenging it is to prioritize spiritual matters in today's world, with so many distractions competing for our attention. Buying time for prayer, study, meetings, and other spiritual activities is a struggle, at least for me....

My First Ever Pioneer School: A Week In Spiritual Paradise

When I first set my sights on becoming a regular pioneer, attending Pioneer School was another goal I eagerly anticipated. After 16 months of pioneering, you can imagine my excitement when I received an invitation to my very first Pioneer School in January 2023. After all those challenging Zoom services during lockdown, the thought of being there in person had me grinning from ear to ear. Preparing for the Journey Now, I won't lie - the preparation had me a bit nervous. Someone suggested...

Embracing Change: The Return to House-to-House Ministry

5 months ago, when we finally returned to in-person meetings I was wondering when we would go back to service in person. And here we go! The recent announcement about the resumption of our door-to-door ministry has evoked a wide range of emotions for all of us over the globe, myself included. Can you believe it's been 30 months since we knocked on our last doors? Many of you have asked about my thoughts and feelings regarding this. Having had a month to process it, I can finally share my...

CO Visit I Will Remember Forever

Hello, friend. I was planning to write a little update for you, and then words started to flow. So I thought I might as well share them with you. I'm a little nervous, but I want to do it anyway. It is a recap about running my business for the last couple of years, why I take a break and what direction I want to go. I divided it into 3 parts because it turned out to be a long read. I hope it makes sense. THE CO VISIT I WILL REMEMBER FOREVER I Recently mentioned that I'd be stepping back from...